From the 1st of March all people wishing to visit Oakwood Terrace will be allowed as long as the following requirements are met:
Visitors are in good health and not experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms.
Visitors are not awaiting COVID-19 test results.
Visitors are fully vaccinated.
Visitors comply with the on-site screening criteria.
Visitors wear the PPE that is given to them at the time of the visit for the duration that they are on Oakwood Terrace property.
Visits are open 7-days per week between the hours of 10am and 3pm. Last visits start at 2pm and all visitors and DCG’s are asked to leave the facility by 3pm.
DCG’s can continue to visit the facility. Can we please ask that families try to limit the number of total visitors (visitors + DCGs) to 2 people at a time to avoid overcrowding of the facility.
All visitors are also reminded that there are still considerable numbers of active COVID-19 cases in the community and all visits pose a risk to all residents, staff and visitors.
We hope over the next few weeks the health of our community will continue to improve and visitor restrictions will be relaxed further. We will keep you updated.