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COVID-19 Designated Caregiver Immunization Clinic

We will be running a COVID-19 immunization clinic for Designated Caregivers on 1st February from 10am-2pm. If you are a recognized Designated Caregiver at Oakwood Terrace you are eligible to book an appointment for the clinic.

To book an appointment can you please email anthony.taylor@oakwoodterrace.ns.ca with the following information:


Date of Birth

Email Address

Name of the Resident for which you are a Designated Caregiver

On the day of the clinic:

You will need to bring your NS health card number.

You will also have to commit to waiting at Oakwood Terrace for observation after the vaccine is given for a period of at least 15 minutes.

An appointment slot will be emailed to you along with more details about the clinic process.

Thank you.

Update - Designated Caregivers COVID-19 Immunization Clinic

COVID-19 Immunization at Oakwood Terrace