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New COVID-19 Restrictions for Long Term Care homes in HRM

Public Health have introduced new restrictions in HRM to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on Long Term Care homes. Below is an extract from the documentation that was sent out this afternoon detailing the changes. Oakwood Terrace will be following all the proposed changes.

“As you know, we continue to reassess restrictions in Long-term Care based on current epidemiology in consultation with Public Health. Restrictions were announced today for all areas of Halifax Regional Municipality as well as all of Hubbards, Milford, Lantz, Elmsdale, Enfield, South Uniacke, Ecum Secum and Trafalgar.

Restrictions for Long-term Care facilities are: • Indoor visitation with Long-term Care residents is suspended. • Volunteers may not enter Long-term Care facilities. • Visitors and volunteers living within the impacted areas are not permitted to visit a LongTerm Care facility outside of the impacted areas. • Adult Residential Centres and Regional Rehabilitation Centres licensed by the Department of Community Services will suspend visitation to residents in these facilities. In addition, these residents cannot have community access. Provincewide, the following can continue: • Outdoor visitation with Long-term Care residents. • Essential Visitors as defined in the LTCF Directive can continue • Designated Caregivers can continue to provide service throughout Nova Scotia, even if they live within the affected communities. • Attendance at medical/dental appointments and sight-seeing drives with Designated Caregivers or in facility owned or leased vehicles, no stops or drive throughs are permitted. • Adult day programs for seniors remain closed province-wide.

These restrictions will be effective 8:00 a.m. on Friday, April 23, 2021, will continue until 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, May 20, 2021, with an extension possible.”

Stay Safe Everyone!

Asymptomatic Testing at Oakwood Terrace

Family Meeting - 22nd April 2021