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COVID-19 Restrictions - Gifts of Food Items for the Staff

Every year we are very fortunate to receive many tasty treats as gifts for the staff. These gifts are always well-liked and gratefully received. Unfortunately, COVID-19 restrictions mean that we cannot accept these items this holiday season. Communal food, such as chocolates, pizza etc that are shared amongst a group of people has been linked to COVID-19 outbreaks across North America. We will be following the best practice infection control guidelines and will be continuing to stop all communal food consumption and gathering for the foreseeable future.

Can we ask that you don’t drop off food items for staff during the holiday season? We look forward to the time where we can operate again normally and receive such generous gifts again.

Stay Safe and Thank You.

Family and Designated Caregiver Visits from 21st December 2020

COVID-19 Update: Suspension of all Scheduled Family Visits to Oakwood Terrace.