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Designated Caregiver Visits from 3/22/21

From today, Designated Caregivers can visit Oakwood Terrace without an appointment. We are asking for all visits to occur between 8am-7pm. Designated Caregivers visits are available 7 days per week.

We still need to work together to ensure the process is as safe as possible for all and we are compliant with all Public Health guidance. Designated Caregivers will be required to:

  • Keep all visits to one Designated Caregiver at a time.

  • Complete the screening process prior to visiting the resident. All Designated Caregivers will be screened by staff in the front lobby of the building.

  • Wear PPE for the duration of the visit. Masks and gowns inside the building. Masks in the Oakwood grounds.

  • Maintain socially distancing (6 feet) between other families.

We continue to run an asymptomatic testing programme for staff and Designated Caregivers. Please continue to ask for a swab every 2 weeks.

Designated Caregivers can meet inside the residents’ room, communal areas, and the grounds.

As always, we ask anyone who is unwell or experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms to not visit and contact Public Health.

Thank you.

Designated Caregivers - Items for Residents

Family Visits from 3/22/21