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Resident Outings

Now that the Public Health Order has been relaxed Resident Outings are permitted.

Designated Caregivers can take their loved one out between 10am-4pm each day. There is no need to book, simply contact the unit and arrange a convenient time to pick your family member up. All Designated Caregivers will be screened when entering the building and anyone who has any COVID-19 related symptoms should not be trying to enter the building.

When a resident leaves the home for an outing, social distancing and mask rules still apply. Families should maintain their “bubbles”. Trips to the mall etc should be avoided.

When returning the resident to the home Designated Caregivers can expect to be asked a series of questions related to the residents’ health and wellbeing.

Designated Caregiver Visits at Oakwood Terrace

UPDATE - Oakwood Designated Caregiver (DCGs) Vaccine Clinics